Issue - meetings

Membership of Cabinet Committees etc.

Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 2)

Membership of Cabinet bodies etc.

To give consideration to the approval of alternative arrangements for appointments to bodies set up by Cabinet or external bodies, or the making or terminating of such appointments.


The following appointments are proposed to replace those made at Cabinet on 22 May 2024:


a)      Treasury Investment Group

For the 2024/25 municipal year -

·       Cabinet Member (with responsibility for Finance) – Cllr Cutler

·       One other Cabinet Member – name to be confirmed

·       Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee – Cllr Morris

·       One other Member from the Administration of the Council from the Audit & Governance Committee – Cllr Power

·       Principal opposition group member for finance – Cllr Godfrey


b)      Winchester Charity School Education Foundation

Councillor Latham (until May 2027)






The following appointments are proposed to replace those made at Cabinet on 22 May 2024:


a)    Treasury Investment Group

For the 2024/25 municipal year -

·       Cabinet Member (with responsibility for Finance) – Cllr Cutler

·       One other Cabinet Member – Cllr Learney

·       Chair of the Audit & Governance Committee – Cllr Morris

·       One other Member from the Administration of the Council from the Audit & Governance Committee – Cllr Power

·       Principal opposition group member for finance – Cllr Godfrey


b)    Winchester Charity School Education Foundation

Councillor Latham (until May 2027)

NB The existing representative is Councillor V Achwal (until May 2025)



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