Issue - meetings

Q2 Governance Monitoring

Meeting: 28/11/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 11)

11 Q2 Governance Monitoring (AG139) pdf icon PDF 774 KB




The Senior Policy and Programme Manager introduced the report, highlighting that in addition to the usual quarterly governance monitoring it also included the annual Corporate Health and Safety report at Appendix 5.  Antony Harvey (SIAP) was also present to answer any questions on the Internal Audit progress report (Appendix 2).


The Senior Policy and Programme Manager and Director (Finance) responded to members’ question including on the recent IT server issues.  It was agreed that an update be brought to a future committee outlining the lessons learned from the incident.


The Senior Policy and Programme Manager also responded to members’ questions on Appendix 5 and agreed to provide further detail on the accidents reported and whether any modifications were required to safety arrangements.  He also noted a number of recommendations to how the information in this appendix could be amplified together with suggested improvements to its presentation.




That the content of the report be noted, including the update provided in the Annual Corporate Health and Safety Report 2023/24 and the progress against the internal audit management actions.



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