Issue - meetings

Meadows End, 7 Heathcote Place, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire. (case reference: 24/00224/HOU)

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 10)

10 Meadows End, 7 Heathcote Place, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire. (case reference: 24/00224/HOU) Badger Farm & Oliver's Battery pdf icon PDF 314 KB

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Proposal Description: Extension to Garage Block and Loft Development to form Ancillary Office and Habitable Space.

The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which advised that the case officer had changed to Cameron Taylor.

During public participation, David Jowsey spoke in objection to the application, and Anna Budge spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions. A statement was read out on behalf of Hursley Parish Council which objected to the application

The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.


The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasonsand subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.



ems at meetings - Meadows End, 7 Heathcote Place, Hursley, Winchester, Hampshire. (case reference: 24/00224/HOU){sidenav}{content}