Issue - meetings

Old Green Farm, Whites Hill, Owslebury, SO21 1LT. (case reference: SDNP/23/04050/FUL)

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 12)

12 Old Green Farm, Whites Hill, Owslebury, SO21 1LT. (case reference: SDNP/23/04050/FUL). Upper Meon Valley pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Additional documents:



Proposal Description:(AMENDED DESCRIPTION) Associated operational development pursuant to application reference SDNP/22/05927/PA3R, together with the insertion of mezzanine floors to apart-hotel units and the re-cladding of the remaining part of the existing barn to create enclosed storage for the holding.

The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding an additional condition as set out below.

Condition 6. The actions outlined within the ecosystems services statement (received 26.09.2023) shall be implemented within one month following the completion of the development hereby approved or, in the case of soft landscaping, during the next available planting season following the completion of the development, and thereafter retained.

Reason: To ensure an overall positive impact on the ability of the natural environment to contribute goods and services, in accordance with policy SD2 of the South Downs Local Plan.

During public participation, Louise Taylor spoke in objection to the application, and Jacob Goodenough spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions.


The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasonsand subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the update sheet.


ems at meetings - Old Green Farm, Whites Hill, Owslebury, SO21 1LT. (case reference: SDNP/23/04050/FUL){sidenav}{content}