8. Council Plan 2025-30 PDF 117 KB
Additional documents:
1. That the adoption of the Council Plan 2025 -2030 be recommended to Full Council with effect from 1 April 2025.*
2. That authority be delegated to the Leader, in consultation with the Chief Executive, to make any necessary minor amendments and typographical corrections to the Plan prior to consideration at Council.
*NB recommendations to Council are not subject to call-in.
10 Council Plan 2025-30 (Presentation) PDF 273 KB
The Policy Committee is asked to review and comment on the direction of the Council Plan, including the vision, themes and priorities.
Additional documents:
Councillor Martin Tod, Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management; introduced the agenda item which set out proposals for the Council Plan 2025-30, an overarching high-level document covering what the council wanted to achieve and informing other strategies and plans, including the Local Plan and individual service plans.
Councillor Tod explained that the two policy committees and Scrutiny Committee were being asked to look at their relevant responsibilities of the current plan, he specifically, wanted to reassure the Cabinet, that each committee had considered:
He stated that this committee was asked to focus on:
Simon Howson, Senior Policy and Programme Manager provided the committee with a presentation and introduced the process for developing the next council plan, he highlighted the following key points:
The committee was asked to review and comment on the direction of the Council Plan, including the vision, themes and priorities.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised: