9 Social Housing Regulation PDF 159 KB
Additional documents:
1. That it be noted that the self-assessment has been undertaken against the consumer standards.
2. That the action plan at Appendix A of report CAB3479(H) be agreed.
Councillor Westwood introduced the report which had been discussed at a meeting of the TACT Board on 27 January. In summary, the Board believed the council’s position was not uncommon. The Board requested that the action plan recommended in the report should be implemented without delay to improve stock condition data and safety, evidencing compliance information and also to implement the safety and quality action plan with a focus on fire safety.
Lin Mellish (TACT Board) expressed concern about the length of time since the previous stock condition survey had been undertaken and requested clarification of the likely timescale for the work to be completed to bring it up to date.
The Housing Project and Policy Manager responded to Mrs Mellish’s query including advising that an external partner would be engaged and it was anticipated that half of the stock could be surveyed in 2025.
Councillor Westwood, the Strategic Director, Service Lead – Housing Landlord Services and other relevant officers responded to questions and comments raised by councillors as follows:
a) The requirement for good communication with tenants to ensure access to enable the stock condition survey to take place.
b) The possibility for the surveyors to consider opportunities for wider environmental benefits to be introduced, such as water butts or swift boxes.
c) The possible outcomes following the council’s self-referral to the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) and whether sufficient budget had been allocated to deal with these.
d) Whether there was any potential for the work on the stock condition survey to be accelerated.
e) Whether there was current verification of third party works.
f) Incorporation of the regulator’s key performance indicators (KPIs) into the Council’s own future performance indicators.
g) The availability of a more detailed action plan.
The Cabinet Committee agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That it be noted that the self-assessment has been undertaken against the consumer standards.
2. That the action plan at Appendix A of the report be agreed.