Issue - meetings

Land North of Southwick Road, Wickham, Hampshire: (24/01884/FUL): Southwick & Wickham Ward

Meeting: 16/10/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 Land North of Southwick Road, Wickham, Hampshire: (24/01884/FUL): Southwick & Wickham Ward pdf icon PDF 202 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Erection of 4 bedroom self-build dwelling, relocated access, parking, drainage and landscaping..


The application was introduced, and Members were referred to the update sheet which provided details on the following matters: the Recreation Mitigation Partnership; comments from the Tree Officer and Natural England; further information regarding the principle of development; and the planning balance and conclusion.


The update sheet also confirmed that the recommendation was for refusal, due to the following reason:


1.       The proposal is contrary to Policy MTRA3 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 as the development is not considered to be infilling a small site within a continuously developed road frontage. The provision of a self-build unit does not provide sufficient justification for a residential unit in this unsustainable countryside location. The proposal is also therefore contrary to Policy MTRA4 of the Local Plan Part 1 in that it results in an unjustified additional dwelling with no operational or essential need for a countryside location.


During public participation, Anita Farmer spoke in objection to the application, and Michael Knappett spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions.


The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.



The committee agreed to refuse permission for the reason set out in the report and the update sheet.



ems at meetings - Land North of Southwick Road, Wickham, Hampshire: (24/01884/FUL): Southwick & Wickham Ward{sidenav}{content}