Issue - meetings

6 Skintle Green, Colden Common, Hampshire, SO21 1UB - Case Ref: 22/00683/FUL

Meeting: 13/11/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 6 Skintle Green, Colden Common, Hampshire, SO21 1UB - Case Ref: 22/00683/FUL pdf icon PDF 295 KB

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Proposal Description: Item 6: Erection of detached dwelling 


It was noted that the majority of the committee had visited the application site on 12 November 2024 to enable members to observe        the site in context and to gain a better appreciation of the proposals.


The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out the following:


(i)             The emerging Local Plan contained a policy which has a requirement for a minimum buffer of 15 metres between development and ancient woodland or veteran trees. The trees neighbouring the site are not designated as Ancient Woodland and have not been identified as veteran trees in the Arboriculture Assessment therefore this buffer distance was not needed to ensure the appropriate protection of these trees.


(ii)            Clarification regarding the height of the proposed dwelling, the ordinance survey datum of the current house ridge height is 46.00 while the new dwelling is 47.65. This is a difference of 1.65 metres.


During public participation, Peter Catchpole and Councillor Alex Loughran (Colden Common Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Phillip Robinson (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


Councillor Cook spoke as Ward Member. In summary, Councillor Cook raised the following points:


·       She acknowledged that the planning officer recommended the application for permission and they considered it would not adversely impact the character of the area and was in accordance with policies DM15 and DM16, nor harm neighbouring residential amenity in accordance with policy DM17 of Local Plan Part Two (LPP2). She noted that it was the neighbour who was the applicant of No.6.

·       She questioned the recommendation's assertion that the development would not harm adjacent protected trees, referencing policy DM24. She pointed out that the emerging local plan policy DNE15 advises against building within 15 metres of trees.

·       She highlighted that the proposed three-storey, four-bedroom property does not meet the minimum parking standards despite changes to the parking layout at the rear of No.6.

·       Concerns were raised about the proximity of the new build to footpath number 11, an ancient right of way, the felling of trees, and the overdevelopment of the current spacious street scene.

·       She referenced the Village Design Statement, which identifies the characteristic layout and open spaces of the Brickmaker Estate, designed by Chilworth Homes, which won numerous awards.

·       She argued that the estate, designed in the 1960s to provide family homes in a spacious and thoughtful manner, was predominantly two-storey, and the proposed three-storey development was overdevelopment, inappropriate, and harmful to the character of the green and surrounding homes.

·       If the committee were minded to permit the application, she urged that consideration be given to the Winchester City Council Tree Officer's report from May 2022, which suggested tree protection conditions if consent were granted.

·       She expressed gratitude for the site visit and noted the excitement of reviewing plans but described the application as attempting to "put a pint into a half pint glass", indicating it was imaginative, but out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6


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