Issue - meetings

Tenants' satisfaction measures reports

Meeting: 03/02/2025 - Cabinet Committee: Housing (Item 10)

10 Tenant satisfaction measures pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


1.    That the survey results be noted.


2.    That the work that is underway or proposed to address the three indicators that are below median benchmark be noted.




Councillor Westwood introduced the report which had been discussed at a meeting of the TACT Board on 27 January where Board members welcomed that the majority of results were at or above median.  The Board had proposed a number of specific proposals as follows:

a)    To consider analysing feedback in the context of seasonal trends to convert the data into meaningful information to act upon.

b)    To review the TSMs in respect of communal cleaning dissatisfaction rates in general needs blocks.

c)    To celebrate success and focus on good news via all available communication channels.

d)    To create an action plan for areas of the district with low satisfaction indicators.

e)    To introduce the housing team to residents via the residents’ newsletter and other communication channels.


Councillor Westwood invited the other two members of the TACT Board present to make any further comments and Councillor Horrill endorsed the action list and hoped it would be acted upon by relevant Housing officers. 


Councillor Westwood, the Corporate Head of Housing, the Service Lead – Housing Landlord Services and other relevant officers responded to questions and comments raised by councillors as follows:

a)    Further information was requested regarding the number of missed appointments by contractors and proposals for contract penalties to help mitigate against this issue.

b)    Possible reasons for low response levels in some areas of the district and using councillors to help increase these levels.

c)    Whether the survey was weighted to take account of different sizes of area.

d)    What was considered and counted as a “complaint”.

e)    A correction was noted that the survey indicated three indicators that were below the median level (not four as set in out in the report’s recommendations).  It was suggested that the responses received from sheltered housing residents also be considered further.

f)      Whether there was any correlation between the heating and energy responses and the property age?

g)    Assisting all ages of tenants in being able to make complaints efficiently and effectively.

h)    Improvements in the numbers of anti-social behaviour issues being reported.

i)      The importance of engaging with councillors to enable them to assist both officers and tenants.


The Cabinet Committee agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.                That the survey results be noted.


2.                That the work that is underway or proposed to address the three indicators that are below median benchmark be noted.



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