6 Quarter 4 2017/18 Financial and Performance Monitoring PDF 772 KB
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Councillor Ashton introduced the report and noted that the contents had been discussed at The Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 9 July 2018. He emphasised that the input of that Committee over the previous year had been useful in shaping and refining the contents of the report.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Thompson addressed Cabinet and reiterated a number of the comments raised at The Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as summarised below:
· The importance of ensuring Ward Councillors and Winchester Town Forum members were kept informed about matters that impacted on their areas.
· Specifically, she requested that the Town Forum and public would be consulted about the proposals for the replacement of the security bollards in Winchester High Street. In addition, regular updates should be provided on progress on the proposals regarding St Maurice’s Covert.
Cabinet noted that these comments had been raised at The Overview and Scrutiny Committee and a response had been given by the relevant Portfolio Holder(s) present.
In response to questions, Councillor Ashton explained that the current red status of the aim in relation to the use of a strategic asset purchase scheme (Appendix 1 of the report) was because of the necessarily cautious approach adopted by the Council to procuring assets for investment.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the Report.
1. That the progress achieved during the final quarter of 2017/18 be noted and the contents of the Report be endorsed.
2. That the transfers to/from the Major Investment Reserve and other earmarked reserves be agreed and the closing balances at 31 March 2018 be noted (as set out in Appendix 2 of the report).
3. That the brought forward General Fund capital budgets totalling £835,000 be approved, as set out in Appendix 4 of the report.
4. That supplementary estimates and expenditure for the following capital projects be approved, as set out in Appendix 4 of the report:
a) Disabled Facilities Grants - £100,000
b) Security bollards - £75,000
c) Virtual Permit software (car parks) - £44,000 (including staff costs of £24,000 that can be capitalised)