Issue - meetings

Q1 Financial and Performance Monitoring

Meeting: 19/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Q1 Financial and Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 745 KB



In response to questions, Councillor Ashton confirmed that some capital spend was expected in connection with proposals to consider the introduction of kerbside glass recycling but it was not possible at this early stage to provide an actual estimate.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined in the Report.




1.         That the progress achieved during the first quarter of 2018/19 be noted and the contents of the Report be endorsed.


2.         That the following be approved, as detailed in paragraph 5 of the General Fund capital section of Appendix 1 of the report:

a)         a supplementary capital estimate of £50,000 in respect of the replacement large format printer;

b)         a supplementary capital estimate and expenditure of £50,000 in respect of the County Council’s contribution to the High Street Security Bollards project; and

c)         a supplementary capital estimate of £50,000 and expenditure of £100,000 in respect of the lighting refurbishment in Brooks car park.


3.         That the supplementary revenue estimate of £75,000 in respect of the drainage works to the West of Waterlooville play area be approve, as detailed in paragraphs 11.3 and 11.4 of the report.



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