Issue - meetings

Proving layout for the Berewood part of the MDA - presentation by Grainger

Meeting: 05/07/2018 - West of Waterlooville Forum (Item 7)

Proving layout for the Berewood part of the MDA - presentation by Grainger


Mrs Lee introduced the item and stated that Grainger had completed a proving plan to recheck all aspects of the masterplan requirements on a phase by phase basis.  This demonstrated that a total of 26 or thereabouts additional dwellings could be accommodated over the remaining phases of development, which was within the limits of the Environmental Statement submitted with the masterplan.  She reassured the Forum that there was no ‘planning creep’ in individual applications.


Chris Fletcher, representing Grainger, provided background to the current management structure at Grainger.  He continued that to date 1135 dwellings had been sold, with 500 occupations.  The phases of development were continuing over the next 2 to 3 years with Barretts on phase 3(a); Redrow on phase 13(a) and planning applications relating to phases 9B, 10A and 9A.  The community was beginning to develop its own character and the Town Park would be important in this respect.


The current programme was as follows:


Redrow phases 9A/B and 10A

The employment land

River restoration phase B

Next residential land sale – September 2019 – phases 3B and 8, which would enclose the Town Park

Town Park phase B – 2019

The southern access junction improvements 2020

Local centre – September 2021


Drawings of the nature reserve and wildlife area’s indicative locations were displayed at the meeting and Grainger’s representative confirmed that the master plan was being observed and would be brought to the attention of prospective developers when land was sold.


In reply to Members’ questions, Mr Fletcher stated that with the exception of Phase One (that included the school) when each phase was completed an application was submitted to Hampshire County Council for its adoption.  The future management of the Town Park, nature reserves and sustainable urban drainage solutions would be adopted by a third party (most probably a public body) following formal discussions.  An additional question related to the use of the name Berewood Park (which would be consulted upon).




That the presentation be noted.



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