Issue - meetings

Winchester Sport & Leisure Park - Planning Application Consultation

Meeting: 25/07/2018 - z Cabinet (Leisure Centre) Committee - DISCONTINUED (Item 5)

5 Winchester Sport & Leisure Park - Planning Application Consultation pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Programme gave a presentation on comments received to date on the planning application. The presentation is available on the Council’s website via the following link:  

The closing date had now passed and a high level review had been undertaken of comments received by the Council as landowner.  However, the Council as planning authority would also undertake a detailed assessment.


Members asked a number of detailed questions which were responded to by Officers and Mike Lawless (LA Architects) as summarised below:


·         A full audit of facilities had been undertaken;

·         Staff facilities were included in the design, including staff and rest rooms and staff lockers;

·         Health and safety requirements were fully adhered to throughout;

·         A business case for additional spectator seating had been undertaken at an earlier stage of the project and Members had concluded there was not a case for provision of permanent additional seating.  He would circulate the relevant report to all Members of the Leisure Centre Cabinet Committee for their information.

·         Weston Park Blades Netball Club had been omitted from the additional consultation as Officers did not realise that they operated within the district.  However, Officers had subsequently met with Club representatives to discuss the  proposals.  Comments raised by Winchester Netball Club had been addressed and included in detail in the report appendices.


The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.         That the planning application consultation process, responses received and intended actions be noted.

2.         That the matters raised are dealt with during the current design phase of the project or though wider considerations such as the Winchester Movement and Access Study as they are not considered to be material to the planning application.


3.         That no changes or amended plans be submitted to the Local Planning Authority in relation to the planning submission. 






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