Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy – Operational Review

Meeting: 19/09/2018 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Community Infrastructure Levy – Operational Review pdf icon PDF 158 KB



Councillor Humby left the room during consideration of this item.


Councillor Brook introduced the report, noting that the matter had been considered at The Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 3 September (paragraph 6.3 of the report refers).  She stated that following a query raised at that Committee, Officers had confirmed that the regulations specified a limit of 15% of CIL to parish councils unless they had a neighbourhood plan when the limit was raised to 25%.  In relation to other comments made by the Committee, a communications plan would be formulated to increase understanding of and access to CIL funds (and an additional resolution was agreed as set out below).  In addition, the Council would review the Regulation 123 list on an annual basis.


The Interim Strategic Director (Services) advised that whilst the County Council would prefer to continue to receive their CIL allocation directly, it understood the reasons behind the report’s recommendation.  The importance of transport infrastructure was recognised, particular with regard to the emerging Movement Strategy, and it was therefore proposed that the County Council be represented on the informal panel referred to in paragraph 18.2 of the report.  Cabinet agreed an amendment to recommendation 2 of the report to recognise that discussions would continue with the County Council on shared investment priorities for the use of CIL funds.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillors Porter and Thompson addressed Cabinet as summarised below (where appropriate, responses provided at the meeting shown in italics).


Councillor Porter

·         Could CIL be used for infrastructure payments such as new pavements in the Central Winchester Regeneration area?  CIL funds could not be used for maintenance and repair but could be used for new pavements as suggested.

·         The impact of the Regulation 123 list on the Local Plan;

·         Should the new criteria for utilising CIL funds (paragraph 18.6, Table 5 of the report) include the economic impact or opportunity to free up housing land?

·         Would the opportunity to bid for small funds throughout the year remain? Yes.

·         Impact on charities or other organisations that manage projects; CIL funds could be applied from by any organisation, including charities.

·         The process should be fully transparent;

·         Should the bidding and decision process be halted prior to elections? The Strategic Director confirmed decisions would not be taken during the purdah period.

·         How supportive were the City Council in assisting parish councils prepare neighbourhood plans? The Council were supportive of any parish council wishing to undertake a neighbourhood plan.  But it was not considered appropriate, in terms of the levels of resources required, to actively encourage parish councils.

·         How could the delays in County Council approvals be addressed?

·         Mention of a specific scheme along West Street, New Alresford. As a local Ward Member, Councillor Griffiths was investigating this matter.




Councillor Thompson

·         Support for proposals including ceasing automatic payment of 25% of available funds to the County Council because of the delays in implementation.

·         Could Winchester Town Forum be considered as an exception to the regulations that applied  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7


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