Issue - meetings

Work Programme for 2018/19

Meeting: 03/09/2018 - z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED (Item 3)

3 To note the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2018/19 (attached to reverse of agenda) and the Forward Plan for October 2018 (Forward Plan to be tabled) pdf icon PDF 57 KB


The Committee noted that a special meeting had originally been scheduled to take place on 24 September 2018 to consider a report on Station Approach - Carfax RIBA Stage 2 Design. However, this meeting had since been cancelled.


At the invitation of the Chairman, the Head of Programme addressed the Committee to provide an update on the project and answered Members’ questions thereon.


In summary, the Head of Programme set out the following: delays to the timetable and the anticipated timetable going forward; a background on the current status of the scheme for the Carfax site, currently at RIBA Stage 2. It was noted that the design scheme had been frozen following issues raised by Hampshire County Council regarding access; the Cattlemarket site, which would be taken forward as part of the future project; and the Gateway Public Realm works whereby in July, the Cabinet (Station Approach) Committee had agreed the procurement of the Design Team for this element. 


In conclusion, the Committee noted that it was anticipated that the report for RIBA Stage 2 would be brought forward to the Committee for consideration during February 2019.


In relation to the Scrutiny Work Programme, the Committee raised the following matter:


(i)  Environmental Services Contract  - Members expressed a wish to view  the tender documents process and to keep a general overview on the contract, including details of the recruitment of staff and the transitional way forward. In response, the Strategic Director reported that Council would have the opportunity to oversee these developments. However, Members considered that there was a need for local Councillors to be involved in the process, in order to review the specification of how to bring this service forward.


In addition, although not specific to the work of the Committee, Members raised the recent introduction of the committee system and suggested that it would be beneficial to look at the implications of the technology, including the use of bookmarks within uploaded documents for ease of reference. In response, the Strategic Director: Resources reported that a survey would be sent to all Councillors shortly to capture their views and establish the way forward for all users.




That, subject to the noting the comments above, the Scrutiny Work Programme for 2018/19 and Forward Plan for October 2018, be noted.




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