6 Q1 Financial and Performance Monitoring Report PDF 737 KB
(Report OS207 refers)
Councillor Horrill introduced the Report and together with the other members of Cabinet present, responded to detailed questions. Councillor Horrill emphasised that following considerable work and new initiatives the Council was in a good position with its individual performance measures, with the majority of the Council Strategy indicating a positive ‘green’ status. The report set out some areas where further emphasis was required going forward. In summary, the following matters were raised by the Committee.
(i) The management of varying staffing levels within the Development Management Team and the long term retention of staff in this area.
(ii) The development of the Smart City app, the finalisation of the Portfolio Holder Decision Notice in the respect, working with providers to understand what the market was currently offering and the changes towards monitoring the savings plan on a quarterly basis.
(iii) Future funding for the LEADER programme.
(iv) Delays to the progress levels towards establishing a Housing Company and clarification of the scope of the company. Councillor Horrill reported that consultation had taken place locally to form a company to deliver the project but this had not been finalised at this stage.
(v) Progression with the Article 4 direction due to an increased movement of properties transferring to HMO’s in other parts of the City as well as Stanmore, Highcliffe and Winnall. Councillor Horrill reported that a paper had been prepared for circulation to Members focussing on knowledge gained and levels of growing concentration in order to progress this matter.
(vi) In respect Health and Happiness, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing be asked to provide feedback to the Committee regarding healthy life expectancy and the measures taken to tackle inequality.
(vii) The levels of performance assigned for the Council’s major projects be reviewed for inclusion within the next quarterly report
(viii) In response to questions regarding meanwhile uses, Councillor Horrill reported that the redevelopment of Coitbury House, establishment of opportunities for people to have adequate work space on site and improvements to the public realm were all specific pieces of work being the focus of Cabinet (Central Winchester Regeneration) Committee. An advisory group was due to be established to complete this work over the next few months, with the longer term development of the site scheduled to be progressed once a clear understanding of the land available on site had been evaluated in order for the longer term plans for the overall site to be recognised.
(ix) The Strategic Director: Resources informed the Committee that government legislation in responding to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests remained unchanged.
Following debate, the Committee welcomed the Report and the use of clear graphic formats, making the information contained therein more readily reviewable.
That the Leader and other relevant Portfolio Holders notes the comments of the Committee but that no items of significance to be drawn to the attention of Cabinet.