12 Community and Voluntary Sector Grants Review (Report and Addendum) PDF 394 KB
Additional documents:
Councillor Humby and the Corporate Head of Engagement introduced the Report and referred to its Addendum. This document set out responses to detailed questions raised during previous discussion of the Report at the meetings of the Winchester Town Forum on 14 November 2018 and The Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 15 October 2018. In particular, it explained how the Priority Outcome Fund and Small Grant Award Allocation would relate specifically to the Winchester Town Area.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Weir addressed Cabinet as summarised below.
In response to the points raised, the Strategic Director: Resources drew attention to the Addendum to the Report that set out that revisions made to the allocations process which were complainant with Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. It was agreed that Councillor Humby and the Corporate Head of Engagement, would clarify, with worked examples, any further concerns that Councillor Weir (as Chairman of the Winchester Town Forum) may have.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.
1. That the new funding programme be approved and be introduced in 2019/20 financial year including:
a. The range of funds.
b. The size of funding pot.
c. The target outcomes.
d. The revised decision making arrangements and delegated authority levels.
2. That the creation of the funding criteria, detailed outcomes, application processes and assessments, supported by a communications plans, be delegated to the Corporate Head of Engagement in consultation with appropriate Heads of Service, to be signed-off by the relevant Portfolio Holder.
3. That the issue of a consistent approach to how the charity, community and voluntary sector organisations are charged for rent in Council owned property be agreed with the Corporate Head of Estates and approved by the relevant Portfolio Holder.
4. That all organisations that participated in the review exercise be informed of the proposed changes and be thanked for their contributions and helpful approach in volunteering time, insight and ideas.
7 Community and Voluntary Sector Grants Review PDF 394 KB
(CAB 3079)
Additional documents:
The following personal (but not prejudicial) interests were declared by members before consideration of this item:
The Committee considered the
report of the Corporate Head of Engagement which proposed changes
to the current funding programme, which, if agreed will be
introduced in 2019/20. The Grant Review, which started in June
2018, was instigated due to three key issues: the need to meet the
financial challenges facing the Council; to work with partners on
service provision that meet the needs of residents, businesses and
visitors; and to simplify the various
funding streams for different organisations.
The recommendations had been arrived at following extensive
analysis, internal review and external benchmarking. A full
programme of consultation and engagement with members, currently
funded organisations and other interested parties was undertaken
and the report was considered by The Overview and Scrutiny
Committee at its meeting on 15 October 2018. Details and results of
the full engagement programme were included in the report, as set
out from paragraph 11.16 and in Appendices 1 and 2.
The key findings from the
engagement showed that organisations value the partnership of the
Council, that processes need to be simpler and that organisations
valued having a relationship with a lead officer within the
Council. In addition, it was noted that there was a range of
financial support that the Council made available to organisations.
The revised new programme would comprise five elements; a strategic
fund, a priority outcomes fund, small local grants, crowdfunding
and a flexible grant pot. The Corporate Head of Engagement outlined
each element of the framework and advised that further work was
being undertaken on the processes that support these
Members of the Forum raised questions on a range of issues which
were responded to as summarised below:
It was clarified that an online survey had been issued previously
to all Ward Councillors and Parish Councils and that following the
discussion at The Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 15
October 2018, several issues were being worked on.
Following concerns that organisations may see large, sudden
reductions in funding, it was clarified that, where possible, step
reductions in funding would be made. Where this happens, this would
run in parallel to the Council supporting and advising
organisations on how to seek funding from other sources.
Several questions were asked regarding the crowdfunding element of
the scheme. The Forum was advised that organisations would place
the project on the online platform to attract funding and that the
City Council could match fund ...
view the full minutes text for item 7
5 Community and Voluntary Sector Grants Review PDF 394 KB
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(Report OS210 refers)
Councillor Humby introduced the report and the Corporate Head of Engagement provided detail on the report.
During questions and debate, Members raised a number of questions which were responded to accordingly, as summarised below:
(i) It was explained that the proposals would not take away Winchester Town Forum’s input into the decision-making on community and voluntary sector grants. Monies already allocated for grants in the Winchester Town Forum budget would be ring-fenced for town use only. Organisations in the town would also be able to benefit from grants provided to the District as a whole. The proposal would remove the need for applicants to apply twice as there would be a single bid which could receive joint consideration (between members of the Panel and members of the Winchester Town Forum). Matching funding (from the Winchester Town Forum Account) could be provided if required. The Winchester Town Forum Grant Committee could comprise the Panel for grant consideration if required and this point required clarification.
(ii) The situation referred to in paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of the report relating to organisations that occupied Council owned buildings, or buildings that are on the Council owned land was complex and was still being researched.
(iii) The Council had reviewed the work of the Directory for Social Change and had benchmarked with other local authorities in its research. It had also worked in association with Community First.
(iv) The reporting cycle and monitoring of organisations would be in relation and appropriate to the size of grant provided and the risk and nature of the organisation.
(v) The proposal to provide funding over a three year period would provide more security for organisations.
(vi) Kayak had now been renamed Unit 12.
(vii) Deprivation, need and health had been taken into consideration in setting the target figures for objectives and priorities. Issues relating to mental health (including mental health of young people) could be given further consideration.
(viii) the Council’s Strategy and its periodic review would be the mechanism for objectives and priorities to evolve over time. Flexibilty would aso be retained to respond to new priorities as they emerged.
(ix) A wider scope and broader view of the voluntary sector was achieved by working with Community First. There was also joint consideration of grants and partnership working between the District Council and the County Council and also by Member representation on the Southern Health Trust. Capturing volunteering (for example through Action Hampshire which oversaw community groups) was also important. It would also be beneficial to achieve joined up working between similar organisations delivering similar outcomes.
(x) The small grant Local Panel’s membership was still to be determined and grants would be provided in tranches, perhaps three times per year, over a trial period. The Panel may include Ward Members that were local to its sitting. There was value in taking the Panel out into the District as it could be active in local decision-making and could bring people together in a local area ... view the full minutes text for item 5