5 Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre - Full Business Case (less exempt appendix) PDF 133 KB
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The Committee received a presentation on the Full Business Case from the Strategic Director: Place and the Head of Programme, together with the following consultants who were present at the meeting:
The presentation was available on the Council’s website via this page.
In response to the presentation and comments made during public participation, in summary the following points were made:
· All sports clubs and groups with a connection to the district had been invited to consultation events (over 200 groups), comments had been documented and taken account of. The results of the engagement had all been reported to Cabinet (Leisure Centre) Committee on 25 July 2018 (Report CAB3067(LC) refers). However, it was not possible for each, sometimes competing, demand to be met.
· The operator and the Council would continue to work closely with local groups to try and meet their various priorities.
· Hampshire County Council contribution was based on the facility being of the required standard for the Hampshire Institute of Sport. It was noted that the facility was for residents of the district and the wider area.
· Winchester SALT had provided useful information on sports club usage which had been discussed with the consultants. In addition, Emma Back had met with the consultants and the Council.
· The prices for using the new centre would be agreed by the Committee following discussion by the Advisory Panel. The FBC was based on a 15% price increase from 2018 prices.
· The offer by Winchester City Penguins Club to work with the Council was welcomed and it was intended that a meeting between the Club and the Operator be arranged as soon as possible.
· The suggestion for the University to offer swimming scholarships was also noted as a possibility.
· MACE highlighted the difficulties of undertaking cost comparisons of different leisure centres as each centre had different facilities (for example, another centre with a 50 metre pool and hydrotherapy centre). MACE did undertake checks at each stage that the facility offered value for money. He offered to investigate further if specific examples were suggested. Mr Molden advised that the Sports Consultancy had worked on 21 leisure facilities over the last 20 years and this project was comparable in terms of costs.
· The FBC had been prepared based on zero capital or revenue contribution from the University. The construction cost contract passed financial risk to the construction company. The FBC demonstrated a positive financial position for the Council on an un-discounted payment basis (exact details contained in exempt appendix).
· The Strategic Director: Resources advised that there was a deficit to the Council at the start of the scheme but after 40 years, there was estimated to be a net surplus. 40 years was chosen as that was the estimated life of the asset. MACE clarified that core structure of the building was estimated to last for at least 40 years, whereas secondary elements (such as external cladding or internal plumbing) ... view the full minutes text for item 5