Issue - meetings

Able Piling And Construction Main Build Engineering Ltd, Wangfield Nursery, Wangfield Lane, Curdridge

Meeting: 20/09/2018 - Planning Committee (Item 7)

7 Able Piling And Construction Main Build Engineering Ltd, Wangfield Nursery, Wangfield Lane, Curdridge - Case number: 18/01662/FUL. pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Case number: 18/01662/FUL


Item 10:  Change of use from civil engineering contractor's yard and engineering workshop to a mixed use comprising workshops (Use Class B1c) and office (Use Class B1a); alterations to existing building; associated parking and landscaping.


The Head of Development Management referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out drainage comments that the site was at high risk of surface water flooding. The proposals were for a change of use therefore the change in impermeable area was negligible. The foul and surface water connections were to remain the same. It was unclear whether there would be any increase in foul flows, and whether the site did connect to the foul sewer. If there was a private sewage treatment plant and flows were expected to increase, the suitability of the plant should be investigated.  Further information had also been received about the acoustic report which demonstrated that potential noise levels from the workshops would be acceptable if the windows and doors of the units were open. There was therefore no requirement for Condition 10 and this would be removed.  The Head of Development Management also clarified that the authorised use should state B2 and not B8 as set out in the Highways/Parking section of the Report.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet.



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