Issue - meetings

River Park Leisure Centre - Future Use of Site

Meeting: 31/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 River Park Leisure Centre - Future Use of Site pdf icon PDF 111 KB

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Councillor Miller introduced the report.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillors Thompson and Bell addressed Cabinet as summarised below:


Councillor Thompson

·         Requested clarity of the status of the Informal Policy Group and in particular, how it would coordinate with the Winchester Town Forum, highlighting that the Forum had already established a group to consider matters relating to North Walls.  In addition, income from hiring pitches was a substantial portion of the Town Account budget;

·         What was included in the area referred to as the brownfield site?

·         Would there be consultation with other interested parties, such as the Winchester School of Art?

·         Careful regard should be had to the existing covenant on the land and the Local Plan as the land was designated countryside.


Councillor Bell

·         In consideration of the whole site, there were a large number of components and existing use for sporting and leisure activities which could be preserved and enhanced and there should not be a presumption in favour of demolition;

·         Alternative ideas for the area included provision of a camp site, a youth hostel and a lido;

·         The decision to build an eight court hall at the new Leisure Centre (rather than 12 courts) recognised that additional court space might be provided elsewhere and this area might be appropriate for such a facility.


In response to comments made, Cabinet noted that Paragraph 11.7 of the report acknowledged that further work was required to clarify the implications of the covenant. The reference to previously developed (brownfield) site referred to the existing developed footprint.  The Chairman highlighted that there was a commitment to retaining existing pitches and open spaces, whilst considering enhancing facilities in the area.  In addition, there were opportunities relating to some important historical monuments in the area.


The Chairman emphasised that the work of the Informal Policy Group (IPG) would include engaging with a wide number of consultees, including the Winchester Town Forum.  It was agreed that Winchester City Football Club be included in the groups consulted and acknowledged that there were a range of other stakeholders in the area who should also be engaged.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the Report.




1.         That the scope of the work and process for starting the project, as detailed in this report, be agreed, including an Informal Policy Group comprising a chairman and four other elected members of the council, two from each group with Councillor Rose Burns appointed as Chairman.


2.         That a budget of £150,000 be approved for the initial stage of the project with authority given to the Strategic Director: Place for stakeholder engagement, consultation and development of options including the appointment of external advisors as required, as detailed in the report.




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