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The Head of Strategic Planning introduced the report and emphasised that inclusion of a site in the SHELAA was not a judgment as to whether it should be allocated for development. Some basic sifting of sites had been undertaken and a few sites were excluded due to high level constraints (for example, location within flood zones). A list of these sites was included in Appendix 1 of the report. Of the remaining sites, it was likely that only a very small proportion would be required once the Local Plan assessment process had been undertaken.
The Head of Strategic Planning drew Members’ attention to two corrections to the SHELAA list as set out below:
· Site Ref LH11 – correction to address of site to Littleton Nursery;
· Site Ref NA03 – site to be removed as had not been put forward by the landowner and was not available for development.
The Head of Strategic Planning responded to Members’ questions and comments as summarised below:
· Since the initial call for sites was undertaken at the start of 2018, the Government had stipulated that small sites (less than five dwellings) should now be included. Consequently, a new call for sites would take place in early 2019 aimed specifically at small sites, but others would not be precluded from submitting additional sites.
· Government consultation on the methodology for calculating housing numbers ended December 2018 and clarification as to the numbers the Council would be required to provide was expected early in 2019.
· The initial sifting of sites on the SHELAA did not give the sites remaining on the list any greater status.
· With regard to a communications plan, all parish councils had been contacted directly explaining the context of the SHELAA and its publication. Once the Government had provided housing numbers required, further discussions would take place with parish councils.
· It was acknowledged that inclusion in the SHELAA did raise some concerns amongst local communities. However, the assessment of sites could not be rushed as it was a fundamental part of the overall Local Plan process and must be assessed against evidence.
One Member queried why sites at Highbridge Road had been excluded from the SHELAA but would be needed to deliver Eastleigh Borough Council’s Local Plan. The Head of Strategic Planning confirmed that discussions were ongoing with Eastleigh regarding its Local Plan and would investigate this point further.
During discussion, some Members expressed concern about the implications of the duty to cooperate with neighbouring local authorities and other relevant bodies. It was believed that the Council should take a robust approach to resisting further development within its district. In addition, particular concern was raised about whether the South Downs National Park (SDNP) would take a fair proportion of the Government housing requirements within the part of the district that fell within the SDNP boundary. The Head of Strategic Planning emphasised that the duty did not require agreement but there was a duty to look at all opportunities. The Leader stated that robust conversations should ... view the full minutes text for item 4