5 Local Plan 2036 - Update & Next Stages PDF 304 KB
The Committee noted that some of the discussion outlined in the item above also related to this report.
The Head of Strategic Planning introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to key issues as summarised therein.
The Head of Strategic Planning responded to Members’ questions and comments as summarised below:
· Officers were aware of the statement made by the Country Landowners Association (CLA) that Winchester was deemed to be overly restrictive in allowing development in rural villages. However, the Council’s policies did allow for development in the villages and exceptional developments in the countryside and there was necessarily a balance to be sought with the views of local communities and housing requirements;
· The Local Plan process would have regard to the contents of the Winchester Movement Strategy which was due to be published early in 2019. An Infrastructure Delivery Plan would be developed which would examine all elements of infrastructure including health provision and transport, as well as other matters such as green infrastructure.
· With regard to the comments made during consultation about the introduction of a South Hampshire green belt, this was a regional planning tool (rather than relating to one specific Local Plan) and would be examined further with other Hampshire authorities. It was noted that the Government had indicated that designation of a green belt should only be used as a last resort.
· Transport groups would be consulted through the Local Plan process.
· The consultation results indicated a general consensus for retaining the split of the District into three spatial areas, however the split could be re-examined if required. However, the Head of Strategic Planning believed it was useful for Winchester Town to remain as a separate spatial area.
· Some concern was expressed that extending the Plan period until 2036 could lead to more developments achieving planning permission at an earlier stage. The Head of Strategic Planning confirmed this was a possible outcome but that the housing market did manage the building out of planning permissions to some degree.
· The Head of Strategic Planning confirmed that Local Plan Parts 1 and 2 through the policies under the Winchester Town chapters did in fact constitute a spatial plan for Winchester Town and this approach would continue. However regard to the Member’s request for a Design Statement for Winchester, this was considered to be more appropriate for the next layer of planning policies, such as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD). It was noted that there was already a Central Winchester Regeneration SPD together with a High Quality Places SPD.
· It was confirmed that examination of provision of housing for students would form part of the evidence base.
· With regard to the need to provide for all ages of the district’s population and also address future commercial/economic requirements, the Head of Strategic Planning advised that it will be necessary to commission a Strategic Housing Market Assessment , together with studies of employment and retail requirements. The opportunities for offering land for self-build properties would also be examined as part of the ... view the full minutes text for item 5