Additional documents:
The Strategic Director: Services (Interim) and Head of Housing Management introduced the report and responded to questions as summarised below.
On behalf of TACT, Monica Gill supported the report and thanked the Head of Housing Management for attending a recent meeting of TACT to present its contents. She welcomed the decision not to introduce either flexible fixed term tenancies or “pay to stay” provisions.
The Head of Housing Management confirmed that the Council had an incentive scheme to encourage tenants to downsize and approximately 50 households took this option each year. The Council would continue to work with TACT to promote the downsizing option in order to free up larger homes. The Strategic Director: Services advised that the provision of new alternative smaller dwellings was an important consideration for the Council in deciding on its new affordable home provision.
The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the report.
That the Tenancy Policy 2018-2023 be approved as set out in Appendix 1 of the report.