Issue - meetings

Final Business Approval – The Valley, New Homes Development (exempt appendix)

Meeting: 20/03/2019 - z Cabinet (Housing) Committee - DISCONTINUED (Item 8)

Final Business Approval – The Valley, New Homes Development (exempt appendices)

Additional documents:


The Committee discussed the content of the exempt appendices to the report which contained further details regarding the financing of the scheme.  In response to Members’ questions, the Strategic Director: Services (Interim) emphasised that the scheme was more expensive than other schemes because of the complexities of developing on this particular site.  However, it was considered having regard to the wider benefits and the subsidy provided by Homes England, on balance it should be recommended for approval.




            That the contents of the exempt appendices be noted.



ems at meetings - Final Business Approval – The Valley, New Homes Development (exempt appendix){sidenav}{content}