Issue - meetings

Recommended Archaeology Investigations for the Central Winchester Regeneration Site/St Maurice's Covert

Meeting: 28/08/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Funding for Central Winchester Regeneration Archaeology pdf icon PDF 3 MB


1.            That the commission of archaeological investigation in the Central Winchester Regeneration area be approved, through a two stage model, based on the principles of the specialist report received.

2.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to determine the specification of archaeological investigation works to be undertaken in consultation with the Cabinet Member: Housing and Assets. 

3.            That a revenue budget of £250,000 be approved to be funded from the Major Investment Reserve to undertake the archaeological investigation work.


4.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to establish the appropriate procurement process in accordance with the council’s contract procedure rules for the archaeological investigation works.


5.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to award and enter into the contract for archaeological investigation works, including all necessary legal agreements. 


6.            That an increase to the Central Winchester Regeneration project budget of £18,000 funded by the Major Investment Reserve be approved.


Councillor Learney introduced the report which set out progress with the development of the Central Winchester Regeneration area.


It was reported that the work would be carried out to collect and monitor archaeological data to inform the scheme.  Baseline monitoring would take place over a period of 12 months. This would not prevent development and would run concurrently to progress with the redevelopment of the area. There was strong public demand to move forward with improvements to this area.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Pearson addressed Cabinet, as summarised below:

·         Had an interest in archaeology as was part of the Winchester Excavation Group with Professor Martin Biddle and therefore appreciated the high cost involved in this respect;

·         He queried the funding available, as set out in the recommendations of the report and whether the developer would be funding archaeology works;

·         Expressed concern regarding the reference in the report to water logged ground and foul water;

·         Overall, welcomed the paper and looked forward to the works commencing on site.


In response to the points raised, the Head of Programme clarified that carrying out the proposed works on site would increase the value of the land which would more than cover the cost.  An early dig would be carried out to provide an informed approach when talking with developers. The site would continue to be monitored with seasonal changes in water levels to establish conditions beneath the surface.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.




1.         That the commission of archaeological investigation in the Central Winchester Regeneration area be approved, through a two stage model, based on the principles of the specialist report received.

2.         That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to determine the specification of archaeological investigation works to be undertaken in consultation with the Cabinet Member: Housing and Assets. 

3.         That a revenue budget of £250,000 be approved to be funded from the Major Investment Reserve to undertake the archaeological investigation work.


4.         That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to establish the appropriate procurement process in accordance with the council’s contract procedure rules for the archaeological investigation works.


5.         That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to award and enter into the contract for archaeological investigation works, including all necessary legal agreements. 

6.         That an increase to the Central Winchester Regeneration project budget of £18,000 funded by the Major Investment Reserve be approved.



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