Issue - meetings

Station Approach - Development Options

Meeting: 14/08/2019 - The Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

5 Station Approach - Proposals for Delivery and Further Public Realm Development (SC009) pdf icon PDF 364 KB

Additional documents:


(Report SC009 refers)


Four members of the public/representations of local groups addressed the Committee as summarised below.


John Hearn (City of Winchester Trust)

·         All car parking spaces should be removed from the proposed development;

·         The proposed office development was too tall, too large and too block like.  Removing the podium and basement car parking would enable office development to be lowered into the ground.  The proposed 2m height reduction was insufficient. 

·         The design of the public space at the front of the station was unresolved – the carriageway was too prominent and should be redesigned as a uniform pedestrian priority space.


Rose Burns

·         Winchester was not a premier business location and its attraction was for its history and heritage rather than for Grade A office space.

·         Concerned about viability – build costs were equivalent to London, but in her opinion the rents achievable in the regional market were less therefore should instead be locating grade A office space at areas such as Chilcomb Park, or in Winnall (with reference to the Winnall Development Framework).


Patrick Davies

·         Endorsed comments made by Mr Hearn and Ms Burns above;

·         Concern that some aspects of the Report were classed as exempt which he considered was not permissible in relation to a planning application.


Ian Tait

·         Gave examples of employers who had previously relocated from Winchester due to a shortage of office accommodation of the necessary size and quality;

·         Due to sustainable location, all car parking should be removed (particularly with reference to the recent declaration by the Council of a climate emergency);

·         On a general point, the Council should also hold a meeting to provide an update on the new Leisure Centre.


At the invitation of the Chairperson, Councillor Miller addressed the Committee and in summary welcomed the report, particularly with the review of car parking provision and proposed reduction in height of development.  He emphasised the support of the Winchester BID and Chamber of Commerce.  The scheme would create additional employment and potentially increase the wellbeing of Winchester residents by removing the requirement to commute to work.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management introduced the Report and welcomed the opportunity for scrutiny of the proposed decision as a means of reducing the potential risks to the Council.  She introduced two representatives from JLL who act as the council strategic placemaking consultants: Mr D Roberts and Ms N Pang who were present to respond to Members’ questions as appropriate.


Members raised a number of detailed questions and sought clarification in a number of areas which were responded to by the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management together with the Strategic Director: Place, the Strategic Director: Resources, the Chief Executive and the two JLL consultants, as summarised below:


Exempt classification

·         The Chief Executive advised that the Report considered the property implications of the scheme for the Council as landowner, not planning development control matters which would be dealt with separately by the Planning Committee.  She confirmed therefore that the exemptions had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5


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