Issue - meetings

St Maurice's Covert

Meeting: 28/08/2019 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Funding for St Maurice's Covert pdf icon PDF 227 KB


1.            That the additional budget of £90,000 to deliver the St. Maurice’s Covert enhancement scheme be approved, thereby increasing the overall budget to £225,000.


2.            That the Corporate Head of Regulatory be authorised to procure and award and to enter into the contracts for the improvements works to St. Maurice’s Covert in accordance with Public Contract Regulations 2015 (if applicable), the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Procedure Rules for contracts of the relevant type and value of the intended contract.




Councillor Learney introduced the report and noted that the matter had originally been a project of the Winchester Town Forum over a number of years and that she welcomed the progress that was taking place. The works would enhance the heritage of the area in an important pathway to the Cathedral and it was noted that works would be taken forward by the Town Forum High Street Group.


Kate Macintosh spoke during public participation and Councillor Miller addressed Cabinet, at the invitation of the Leader, as summarised below:


Kate Macintosh

·         Applauded the works that were to be carried out to the Covert and welcomed the report;

·         The Council had carried out a good job in the landscaping of the High Street and these works would additionally add value to an important area and for all that enjoy the Cathedral and area surrounding it.



Councillor Miller (on behalf of Councillor Brook)

·         Welcomed the report to Cabinet but expressed concerns that no discussions had taken place with the Steering Group that had led the project prior to this report and with no recommendation from the group coming forward to Cabinet.


In response to the points raised, Councillor Learney clarified that there was a desire for works to commence without construction costs increasing any further.  A joint meeting of the Steering Group and the Town Forum High Street Group had taken place but it was unfortunate that not all group members were available to attend. It was confirmed that at the joint meeting, those present were keen to see the works progressed in a timely manner.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.




                        1.         That the additional budget of £90,000 to deliver the St.           Maurice’s Covert enhancement scheme be approved, thereby     increasing the overall budget to £225,000; and


2.         That the Corporate Head of Regulatory be authorised to procure and award and to enter into the contracts for the improvements works to St. Maurice’s Covert in accordance with Public Contract Regulations 2015 (if applicable), the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Procedure Rules for contracts of the relevant type and value of the intended contract.




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