Issue - meetings

River Park Leisure Centre - Future Use of Site

Meeting: 23/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 River Park Leisure Centre - Future Use of Site pdf icon PDF 311 KB

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That the following be noted:

1.            The River Park Leisure Centre (RPLC) building will close in January 2021.

2.            The feedback from the stakeholder engagement event on 22/23 March 2019.

3.            Winchester Town Forum’s role in determining the provision of facilities to serve North Walls recreation area, and the ongoing work to resolve the future of the pavilion at North Walls.

4.            The legal complexities relating to potential future land uses of the RPLC building and surrounding site.

That the following be approved:

5.            That the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area, and that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management  leads the work relating to the future use of the RPLC building site and associated buildings and parking areas.

6.            That further evaluation, including financial and legal implications, of the options for demolition or securing of the existing RPLC building once it is closed is undertaken and reported back to Cabinet for decision.

7.            That an evaluation of options for the provision of toilet and refreshment facilities on site once the existing RPLC building closes in January 2021 is undertaken and considered by the Winchester Town Forum.



Councillor Learney introduced the Report and emphasised that there were no plans to develop on or otherwise remove any of the green space surrounding the existing RPLC building.  As the area was predominantly used by Winchester Town residents it was proposed that the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area.


But it was not financially viable or desirable in terms of environmental impact to keep the existing RPLC buildings once the new Leisure Centre was open. 

In response to questions, Councillor Learney confirmed that the Town Forum would be responsible for initially considering proposals for the replacement of the cricket pavilion. 


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised below:

·         welcomed the proposed closure of the RPLC building, highlighting that it was essential that following closure the building was properly secured and demolished as soon as possible;

·         requested assurance that best consideration would be considered when decisions on future use of brownfield site were made;

·         requested sight of the legal advice referred to in the report;

·         believed that the space was for the use of the whole district, not just the town area and that the previous River Park area Informal Policy Group should be reformed to consider proposals.


Councillor Learney welcomed the broad support for the proposals and agreed that the relevant  legal advice would be made available in due course


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




That the following be noted:


1.           The River Park Leisure Centre (RPLC) building will close in January 2021.


2.           The feedback from the stakeholder engagement event on 22/23 March 2019.


3.           Winchester Town Forum’s role in determining the provision of facilities to serve North Walls recreation area, and the ongoing work to resolve the future of the pavilion at North Walls.


4.           The legal complexities relating to potential future land uses of the RPLC building and surrounding site.


That the following be approved:

5.           That the Winchester Town Forum oversee the work relating to the improvement of the North Walls recreation area, and that the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management  leads the work relating to the future use of the RPLC building site and associated buildings and parking areas.


6.           That further evaluation, including financial and legal implications, of the options for demolition or securing of the existing RPLC building once it is closed is undertaken and reported back to Cabinet for decision.


7.           That an evaluation of options for the provision of toilet and refreshment facilities on site once the existing RPLC building closes in January 2021 is undertaken and considered by the Winchester Town Forum.


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