8 Q2 Financial and Performance Monitoring Report PDF 1 MB
1. That the progress achieved during the second quarter of 2019/20 be noted and the contents of the report be endorsed.
2. That capital expenditure of £350,000 be approved in respect of capital works on Chesil Multi-Storey car park.
3. That a supplementary capital budget and authority to incur expenditure of £350,000 in respect of the Durngate Flood Relief Scheme be approved.
4. That a supplementary capital budget and authority to incur expenditure of £135,000 in respect of Chilcomb Sports Ground Pavilion improvement be approved.
(CAB3199 and audio recording refers)
Cabinet noted that the indicators would be amended to reflect the emerging new Council Plan as soon as possible.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Brook addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below:
Considered that the council’s finances were being negatively impacted by a lack of action on both new strategic purchases and other council projects (including the Local Plan, St Maurice’s Covert and proposals for the Guildhall).
The Leader responded that there was a report on the agenda for this meeting which considered options for the future of the Guildhall café (Report CAB3204 refers) and work on St Maurice’s Covert was due to start in January 2020 post Christmas trading.
Councillor Cutler confirmed that the operation of the Strategic Asset Purchase Scheme had been reviewed and was found to be currently costing the council monies, with the government increase in the public works loans board rate by 1% making future purchases more risky. Future investment opportunities would be considered, provided they were affordable and offered a real prospect of future revenue.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.
1. That the progress achieved during the second quarter of 2019/20 be noted and the contents of the report be endorsed.
2. That capital expenditure of £350,000 be approved in respect of capital works on Chesil Multi-Storey car park.
3. That a supplementary capital budget and authority to incur expenditure of £350,000 in respect of the Durngate Flood Relief Scheme be approved.
4. That a supplementary capital budget and authority to incur expenditure of £135,000 in respect of Chilcomb Sports Ground Pavilion improvement be approved.