10 Southern Parishes Sports Facilities (less exempt appendix) PDF 331 KB
Additional documents:
1. That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to enter into the procurement process and to seek and evaluate tenders for the Council to enter into a contract for the operation of Meadowside Leisure Centre and to report the results of the evaluation back to a future Cabinet.
2. That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to appoint The Sports Consultancy to support the procurement process and to utilise the remaining budget allocation approved in 2018 for this purpose.
3. That discussions with Whiteley Town Council continue and that their occupation of the office space on the first floor of Meadowside Leisure Centre be considered and factored into the tendering specification.
4. That expenditure under the Asset Management Plan to maintain Meadowside Leisure Centre in line with the condition survey recommendations be approved.
5. That a supplementary capital estimate and expenditure of £40,000, financed by the Property Reserve be approved, to strengthen the upper floor of Meadowside Leisure Centre to provide greater flexibility in its use and its commercial value to a potential operator.
6. That no further work is undertaken with respect to the provision of a four court hall in the southern parishes of the District.
(CAB3192 and audio recording refers)
Councillor Prince introduced the report and summarised that provision of a new four court sports facility in the southern parishes was not considered to be affordable and therefore proposals were to improve the provision at Meadowside Leisure Centre.
Emma Back (Winchester SALT) spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below:
Considered that a four court facility was still required and the assessment of the current supply of leisure facilities in the southern parishes was inaccurate. Many sports clubs were already having difficulties finding suitable venues and affordable hire.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Brook addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below:
Believed that there was a desperate need for an additional four court sports hall provision in the southern parishes. Meadowside Leisure Centre was not in a conveniently located for many southern parishes residents. There had been a lack of consultation with other organisations and a belief central Winchester provision had been prioritised.
In response, Cabinet noted that there were currently three secondary schools in the area (and a new school at Whiteley was under construction with completion expected 2024) which would offer sports and leisure facilities for the wider community. Some southern parishes’ residents might have sports and leisure facilities located nearby, but outside of the Winchester district (for example at Waterlooville and Havant).
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the Report.
1. That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to enter into the procurement process and to seek and evaluate tenders for the Council to enter into a contract for the operation of Meadowside Leisure Centre and to report the results of the evaluation back to a future Cabinet.
2. That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to appoint The Sports Consultancy to support the procurement process and to utilise the remaining budget allocation approved in 2018 for this purpose.
3. That discussions with Whiteley Town Council continue and that their occupation of the office space on the first floor of Meadowside Leisure Centre be considered and factored into the tendering specification.
4. That expenditure under the Asset Management Plan to maintain Meadowside Leisure Centre in line with the condition survey recommendations be approved.
5. That a supplementary capital estimate and expenditure of £40,000, financed by the Property Reserve be approved, to strengthen the upper floor of Meadowside Leisure Centre to provide greater flexibility in its use and its commercial value to a potential operator.
6. That no further work is undertaken with respect to the provision of a four court hall in the southern parishes of the district.