Issue - meetings

Vision for North Walls Recreation Ground (WTF283)

Meeting: 19/03/2020 - Winchester Town Forum (Item 8)

8 Park Plan for North Walls Recreation Ground pdf icon PDF 168 KB

(Report WTF283)

Additional documents:


(Report ref WTF283)

Councillor Learney as Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management introduced the item and provided an update regarding the wider context of the Leisure Centre project. The Natural Environment & Recreation Manager introduced the report which set out the need for a Park Plan for the North Walls Recreation Ground which would provide the opportunity to consider how this open space could meet the changing demands placed on it. It was proposed that the Park Plan would be developed through public engagement and discussion with park users and community groups. The report also provided an update on the management of the Artificial Turf Pitches (ATP) and tennis courts following the closure of River Park Leisure Centre and the refurbishment of the play area at this site.

The Forum asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers accordingly and Members agreed to discuss certain elements further.



1.            That Winchester Town Forum approved the procurement and development of a Park Plan for the North Walls Recreation Ground.


2.            That Winchester Town Forum approved the retention of responsibility for the Artificial Turf Pitches and the tennis courts following the closure of the River Park Leisure Centre.






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