7 Vaultex Park & Ride extension PDF 321 KB
Additional documents:
1. That a supplementary capital estimate and expenditure of £230,000 for the surface car park be approved.
2. That Cabinet approve the advertisement of the Parking Places Order, consider responses and make the Order for the management and enforcement required for the car park.
3. That the Vaultex car park will be run as part of the overall park and ride provision, ie users will pay to park and use the bus, but with encouragement of walking and cycling into the City for those who are able to do so.
4. That authority is delegated to the Head of Programme in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Service Quality and Transformation to negotiate and agree parking arrangements within the car park for residents of 67 to 89 Bar End Road.
5. That authority is delegated to the Head of Programme to enter into and award the works contract for the surface car park.
6. That authority is delegated to the Strategic Director of Place to prepare and enter into the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding agreement pending award of Government funding for a grant from the LEP and to further progress that project, subject to funding and detailed approval.
7. That expenditure of £35,000 be approved for signing and lining for the Coach Park at the appropriate time.
Councillor Tod introduced the report and announced that the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board had supported the Council’s bid for approximately £5.6m towards delivery of a decked park and ride area at Vaultex. The decked area would include electric vehicle charging points and the feasibility of introducing these sooner, together with electric bike charging, was being investigated.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill and Miller addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Councillor Horrill
Generally welcomed the proposals but queried why there was a delay in progressing plans for the decked area, emphasising the wider benefits it would bring. Requested assurance that cabling would be installed for Electric Vehicle charging. Queried whether the South Park and Ride was now the preferred solution (including with coach drivers) for a coach park to be located.
Councillor Miller
Supported Councillor Horrill’s comments regarding the importance of the site in terms of wider benefits for the area and the need to progress the decked car park without delay.
Councillor Tod responded to the comments made. He emphasised that a pragmatic approach would be taken to the timing of the decked project to tie in with the expected timing of release of LEP monies, whilst enabling council officers to focus on more urgent priorities in relation to parking and the COVID-19 response. The cabling for electric vehicle charging points would be installed at an early stage. A coach park had operated from the South park and ride over the Christmas period and feedback from coach drivers had been positive.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That a supplementary capital estimate and expenditure of £230,000 for the surface car park be approved.
2. That Cabinet approve the advertisement of the Parking Places Order, consider responses and make the Order for the management and enforcement required for the car park.
3. That the Vaultex car park will be run as part of the overall park and ride provision, ie users will pay to park and use the bus, but with encouragement of walking and cycling into the City for those who are able to do so.
4. That authority is delegated to the Head of Programme in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Service Quality and Transformation to negotiate and agree parking arrangements within the car park for residents of 67 to 89 Bar End Road.
5. That authority is delegated to the Head of Programme to enter into and award the works contract for the surface car park.
6. That authority is delegated to the Strategic Director of Place to prepare and enter into the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding agreement pending award of Government funding for a grant from the LEP and to further progress that project, subject to funding and detailed approval.
7. That expenditure of £35,000 be approved for signing and lining for the Coach Park at the appropriate time.
NB Councillor Tod left the meeting at the ... view the full minutes text for item 7