6 Air Quality Action Plan Progress Report PDF 651 KB
Councillor Warwick introduced the report and highlighted various areas where improvements had been made. These included a reduction in recorded NOx levels at the two road side air quality monitoring stations (paragraph 11 of the report refers). It was anticipated that moving the coach park to Bar End would further assist as it would decrease the requirement for coaches to enter the central one-way system.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Thompson addressed Cabinet as summarised below:
· The Council should take further steps to reduce traffic in the centre of Winchester. This should include improvements to pavements to encourage walking and to road surfaces to assist cyclists. Bus use should also be encouraged and the Council should consider subsidising additional services.
· Differential car parking pricing had made a difference to some extent but more action was required. Introducing a Clean Car Zone would be expensive – were the Council considering partnering with other local authorities to reduce costs?
· A hope that the County Council’s Movement Study would provide more imaginative ways of reducing pollution, including further use of park and ride.
In response to Members’ questions, the Head of Environmental Health and Licensing explained that despite the reduction in NOx levels, the Council had not yet met the necessary requirements for the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) to be undeclared. A report had been commissioned to examine the potential for electric taxis which had highlighted the requirement for a rapid charging point, currently being proposed for Worthy Lane coach park.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the Report.
1. That the progress made in the delivery of the Air Quality Action Plan be noted.
2. That data continue to be gathered on whether additional enforcement of the Traffic Regulation Order on St Georges Street will have a positive impact on traffic flow at peak times.
3. That the work of the Winchester Movement Study be recognised, which will inform on whether the City’s air quality would benefit from a northern park and ride site and the implementation of a ‘Clean Air Zone’.
4. That ‘smart’ ticket machine options be further evaluated and that a future report with recommendations, be brought back to Cabinet.
5. That in view of the considerable capital costs associated with the delivery of a charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ), that Members await the findings of the Winchester Movement Strategy before deciding whether to adopt a CAZ.
6. That it be ensured that air quality is sufficiently reflected within the City Council’s updated Procurement Policy.
7. That work continues in partnership with Southampton City Council on an Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document for the district.
8. That it be noted that an Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy will be presented to Cabinet later in the year.