Issue - meetings

Strategic Service Plans 2020 – 25

Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Strategic Service Plans 2020 – 25 and Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 745 KB

Additional documents:


1.      That the contents of the Strategic Service Plans which will monitor and evidence progress against the Council Plan 2020 -2025 priorities and drive service improvements and transformation be endorsed.


2.      That the Strategic Key Performance indicators that will be reported on a quarterly basis be agreed.





Councillor Tod introduced the report which provided an overview of the Strategic Service Plans and new performance reporting against the Council Plan.   The Key Performance Indicators listed in Appendix 2 would be updated to reflect changes to Cabinet Members’ responsibilities. 


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Horrill, Godfrey and Brook addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Horrill

Welcomed the introduction of strategic KPIs but generally believed there was a lack of detail in the report. Queried why targets had not been set for 2021.  Believed that there should be a clearer link between the performance indicators and work being carried out by officers.


Councillor Godfrey

Requested reassurances that the service plans and strategic KPIs would be re-examined once the Council’s response to COVID-19 was developed further.  The KPIs did not reflect much of the day to day work of the Council and appeared to overly rely on partners’ actions (for example, regarding the local economy).


Councillor Brook

Asked a number of detailed questions regarding elements of the specific service plans focussing on queries regarding how services would be adjusted following the impact of COVID19.  Requested that members be involved in decisions regarding any new technology and that this be user friendly. 


In responding, the Leader emphasised that the report included strategic KPIs and some of the questions related to operational KPIs.   In addition, a Member Briefing would be arranged prior to the report’s consideration at Scrutiny Committee on 2 July 2020.


Councillor Tod emphasised that Cabinet Members were happy to engage with other Councillors regarding the detail of the service plans and further discussion could also take place at Scrutiny Committee.  The previous item (CAB3244) also included reference to a new KPI regarding the COVID19 response.


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.         That the contents of the Strategic Service Plans which will monitor and evidence progress against the Council Plan 2020 -2025 priorities and drive service improvements and transformation be endorsed.


            2.         That the Strategic Key Performance indicators that will be reported on a quarterly basis be agreed.



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