Issue - meetings

Annual Appointments to Cabinet Committees etc 2020/21

Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Annual Appointments to Cabinet Fora and Informal Groups 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 427 KB

Additional documents:


(CAB3232 & Addendum)


Cabinet noted that nominations for the various appointments had been received prior to the meeting and were displayed for those present at the meeting (and subsequently published as an Addendum to the report).  It was noted that the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Local Economy should be included as a member of the Local Plan Advisory Group.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below:

Supported the nominations from the conservative group and generally emphasised the importance of cross party working in the current situation.  Noted that some queries remained about the future remit of the West of Waterlooville Forum together with some opposition to the proposed renaming.


Councillor Cutler stated that there would be no decision on the proposed renaming of West of Waterlooville Forum until further discussions had been undertaken with Havant Borough Council and Newlands Parish Council.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and addendum and outlined above.




1.         That the following appointments to Fora and other informal groups be made for the 2020/21 Municipal Year:


(i)            Local Plan Advisory Group – Councillors Porter (Chair),

Brook, Evans, Ferguson, Horrill and Thompson,

(ii)          Strategic Asset Purchase Scheme Board

Leader and Portfolio Holders with responsibility for Finance; Estates; and Business (Councillors Thompson, Cutler, Learney and Ferguson)

Finance Manager (Capital & Treasury), Corporate Head of Housing, Corporate Head of Asset Management, Strategic Director: Place and Section 151 Officer – final approver of the purchase.



(iii)         Treasury Investment Group

Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance (Councillor Cutler) and Councillor Thompson (from Cabinet).  Councillor Power (Chair of Audit & Governance Committee), Councillor Laming (member of Audit & Governance Committee) and Councillor Miller (Shadow Cabinet Member).

Finance Manager (Capital and Treasury)
(The Section 151 Officer, as final decision maker, would not be a member of the TIG).

(iv)         Kings Barton Forum

Councillors: Rutter (Chair), Godfrey, Horrill, Porter, Prince and Scott (Deputies: Hutchison and Mather).


(v)          West of Waterlooville Forum

Councillors: Clear (Chair), Brook,  Cutler and Read (Deputies: Evans and Weston)


(vi)         North Whiteley Development Forum

Councillors: Achwal, Bentote, Evans, Gemmell, Lumby and Miller (Deputies: Fern and McLean)


(vii)        Central Winchester Regeneration Open Forum

Councillors Learney (Chair), Gordon-Smith, Horrill, Hutchison and Mather (Deputy: McLean)

(viii)      Winchester Sports and Leisure Park Open Forum

Councillors Prince (Chair), Cook, Laming, Lumby and Murphy



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