5 Expansion of HMO Mandatory Licensing PDF 96 KB
The Corporate Head of Housing introduced the report. He advised that the fee proposed would enable the Council to fully cover the costs of implementing this new statutory licensing obligation.
In response to Members’ questions, the Corporate Head of Housing confirmed that measures were being taken to advertise the new licensing requirements, including details on the Council’s website and contacting all lettings agencies in the district. Members suggested Housing Officers work closely with the Communications Team to increase publicity and awareness as widely as possible, for example by reaching occupiers of HMOs in addition to the landlords. This was agreed.
The Committee also agreed a review should take place in one year’s time.
The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the report.
1. That the new requirements resulting from the changes introduced by the new legislation to expand HMO mandatory licensing be noted.
2. That the HMO licence fee be set at £900 (per 5 year licence).
3. That the additional resource requirements be supported.
4. That the Corporate Head of Housing, in consultation with the Corporate Head of Resources, be authorised to negotiate terms with Idox for the provision of additional licensing software to support the administration of the additional licensing, as set out in the report, and a Direction be made under Contracts Procedure Rule 2.4 a) accordingly.
5. That a review be undertaken in one year’s time and a report be submitted to the Committee accordingly.