Issue - meetings

Making Council homes carbon neutral

Meeting: 10/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Making homes carbon neutral pdf icon PDF 647 KB


1)    That the 2021/22 budget of £1.587m provision for additional energy efficiency works to Council dwellings be committed and approved for expenditure as follows:


a)    £1,250m to fund additional insulation (mainly wall and floor insulation) to 100 properties currently subject to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or below and that the programme focus mainly on void properties where possible.


b)    £150,000 set aside to support “match funding” bids for major retrofit programmes (such as the existing project to improve “Swedish timber” homes in Bramdean).


c)    That £187,000 to address energy efficiency of communal areas in sheltered/communal housing schemes, including the installation of solar photovoltaic panels where appropriate.


2)    That a member/tenant/officer panel/forum be established to assess progress with national trials, review funding options and bring forward proposals for a long term programme to replace gas heating systems in Council homes, subject to consultation with tenants and the Business and Housing Policy Committee.


3)    That the Council join the “Net Zero Collective” partnership to support the work of the above Panel.





Councillors Learney and Murphy introduced the report which set out proposals to reduce the carbon impact of homes across the council stock.  It proposed that an annual programme focus initially on improving energy efficiency through additional insulation measures, with solutions for replacement heating and renewable energy generation considered further over the next two years.


At the invitation of the Leader, David Light (TACT) welcomed the proposed improvements to the energy efficiency of council housing and the consequential reduction in heating bills for tenants.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Pearson and Weir addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Pearson

Spoke in support of the proposals and asked a number of detailed questions, including requesting assurances regarding the fire safety of any new insulation or cladding to be used.  The proposals could offer an additional benefit in terms of reducing NOx emissions.  He also queried whether there were proposals to replace double-glazed windows and the practical implications were a council owned home had a privately owned adjoined neighbouring property.


Councillor Weir

Reiterated requests made at a previous Business and Housing Policy Committee that the Council seek to achieve additional capacity building across the various trades required to deliver the improvements.  She hoped that the new Energy Officer resource would be encouraged to seek alliances and partnerships to achieve this capacity building and ensure more homes across the district could benefit from this investment.


Councillor Learney and the Service Lead: Property Services responded to the comments made, including confirming that the fire safety of the insulation or cladding would be ensured.  It was anticipated that the proposal for the council to join the “Net Zero Collective” partnership would assist with capacity building.


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.            That the 2021/22 budget of £1.587m provision for additional energy efficiency works to Council dwellings be committed and approved for expenditure as follows:


b)            £1,250m to fund additional insulation (mainly wall and floor insulation) to 100 properties currently subject to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or below and that the programme focus mainly on void properties where possible.


c)            £150,000 set aside to support “match funding” bids for major retrofit programmes (such as the existing project to improve “Swedish timber” homes in Bramdean).


d)            That £187,000 to address energy efficiency of communal areas in sheltered/communal housing schemes, including the installation of solar photovoltaic panels where appropriate.


2.            That a member/tenant/officer panel/forum be established to assess progress with national trials, review funding options and bring forward proposals for a long term programme to replace gas heating systems in Council homes, subject to consultation with tenants and the Business and Housing Policy Committee.


3.            That the Council join the “Net Zero Collective” partnership to support the work of the above Panel.





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