Issue - meetings

To receive any communications from the Mayor, Leader or Chief Executive.

Meeting: 18/05/2021 - Council (Item 5)

To propose from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year


Proposed by Councillor Tod.


Seconded by Councillor Clear and resolved unanimously that Councillor Derek Green be elected Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing on 18 May 2021. It was noted that this decision would be ratified at the Annual Meeting of Council on 19 May 2021 and that the Deputy Mayor would then sign his declaration of acceptance of office. 

Meeting: 20/05/2020 - Council (Item 5)

To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year


Proposed by Councillor Evans.


Seconded by Councillor Murphy and resolved unanimously that Councillor Vivian Achwal be elected Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing on 20 May 2020.



ems at meetings - To receive any communications from the Mayor, Leader or Chief Executive.{sidenav}{content}