Issue - meetings

To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15.

Meeting: 19/05/2021 - Council (Item 5)

The Leader to confirm Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and the other Members of Cabinet


The Leader, Councillor Thompson, appointed Councillor Cutler as Vice-Chairman of Cabinet and Deputy Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.


The Leader also appointed Councillors Clear, Gordon-Smith, Learney, Murphy, Tod as the remaining Members of Cabinet.





That the Cabinet be confirmed as follows


·         Councillor Thompson - Leader and Cabinet Member for Partnerships

·         Councillor Cutler - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Service Quality

·         Councillor Clear - Cabinet Member for Communities & Wellbeing

·         Councillor Gordon-Smith - Cabinet Member for Built Environment

·         Councillor Learney - Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management

·         Councillor Murphy - Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency

·         Councillor Tod – Cabinet Member for Economic Recovery



Meeting: 20/05/2020 - Council (Item 6)

The Leader to confirm Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and the other Members of Cabinet


The Leader, Councillor Thompson, appointed Councillor Cutler as Vice-Chairman of Cabinet and Deputy Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.


The Leader also appointed Councillors Ferguson, Learney, Porter, Prince, and Tod as the remaining Members of Cabinet.


ems at meetings - To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15.{sidenav}{content}