Issue - meetings

Coronavirus – the Council’s response

Meeting: 02/07/2020 - The Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Responding to the Coronavirus outbreak pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Report Reference: SC027 and CAB3244

Additional documents:


Report ref SC027 and CAB3244


The Leader introduced the report which had previously been presented at cabinet on the 21 May 2020 and the Chief Executive provided an update on recent activity. The committee was recommended to make comment on the report and identify any aspects that they believed could form part of their future work programme.


The committee asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers and the Leader accordingly. At the conclusion of questions and debate, the committee agreed to the following points:


1.    That future scrutiny meetings be given a regular update re Appendix 4 of the report and the related financial impacts.

2.    That the Leader and officers consider holding regular briefings on COVID-19 response and recovery process.

3.    Voluntary Sector ? that members be updated on the status of voluntary groups and how engaged they remain, especially in the event of a second spike of infections.




1.    That the reports, (references SC027 and CAB3244) be noted.

2.    That the committee agreed to the comments as shown above.


Meeting: 21/05/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Responding to the Coronavirus outbreak pdf icon PDF 920 KB


1.    That the council’s response to the outbreak of coronavirus is noted.


2.    That the emerging financial impacts on the city council budget are noted and a further report be prepared for the June Cabinet meeting.


3.    That the Discretionary Business Support policy be developed in line with national guidance and the award of discretionary business support be delegated to the Section 151 officer following recommendation from the Discretionary Business Support Panel comprising the Cabinet Member; Finance, Cabinet Member Local Economy and Shadow Cabinet Member for Local Economy, Strategic Director: Place and Corporate Head of Resources.


4.    That the policy to write off qualifying commercial rents from March to June 2020 on application from premises with a valid tenancy arrangement in the council’s portfolio is agreed. The decision to write off any rent be delegated to the Section 151 officer following recommendation by the Rent Abatement Panel comprising the Cabinet Member: Housing & Assets, Cabinet Member: Finance, Strategic Director Place and Corporate Head Asset Management.


5.    That the outline Restoration and Recovery Plan be agreed but updated as required in the light of emerging information and local circumstances.




Councillor Thompson introduced the report which detailed the council’s response to the COVID19 pandemic.  She thanked all council staff for their work in ensuring that key services were maintained throughout as well as responding to new challenges.  She also welcomed the involvement of parish councils and various local voluntary and community groups.  The potential considerable financial impact on the council’s budget was also emphasised.


Patrick Davies spoke during public participation as summarised briefly below.

He queried whether all planning decisions previously designated for elected member decision would continue be made at Planning Committee meetings.  The ongoing work on the Vision for Winchester, as discussed at the Winchester Town Forum on 19 March 2020, was not readily available via the council’s website.  Requested further information on the likely impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the Local Plan timetable and welcomed the review of proposals for the Station Approach site.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Lumby, Horrill, Godfrey and Brook addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.


Councillor Lumby

As shadow cabinet member for the local economy welcomed the report and its intentions which should be translated into actions as soon as possible.  Requested a route map for reopening elements of the local economy in accordance with Government timescales.  The Council must ascertain what help local businesses and communities required and the individual skills and local knowledge of all councillors should be utilised.  The discretionary grant fund policy should be set up as soon as possible.  Finally, the council’s regulatory and licensing procedures should be simple and accessible.


Councillor Horrill

Thanked all those involved in the COVID19 response, including council officers and local voluntary and community groups.  Requested that the membership of the Discretionary Business Support Panel be extended to include a member of the Conservative group.  Emphasised that work on the Local Plan would need reviewing in the light of current circumstances.  Where possible, regulatory requirements should be relaxed to assist the local economy.  Requested that a cross party group be established to oversee work on the Restoration and Recovery Plan.


Councillor Godfrey

Acknowledged the significant financial challenges as outlined in the report. Believed the council should not rely on further government funding but should increase income through capital investments.  Requested further information regarding the risks regarding financing set out in the report.  Queried when the re-examination of the council’s budget for 2020/21 would begin. 


Councillor Brook

Requested a cross party approach in response.  Key performance indicators should be established to monitor progress and Scrutiny Committee utilised.  Requested further information regarding the consultation and engagement undertaken to date and that proposed.  Suggested a project be undertaken to bring the work of the various agencies and local groups together and prevent duplication.


The Leader and Cabinet Members responded to the comments made above and also by Mr Davies during public participation.  It was confirmed that a virtual meeting with parish and town councils would be held in June and a revised budget was intended to be presented to Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6


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