Issue - meetings

Asset Management Plan

Meeting: 25/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Asset Management Plan 2022 - 2027 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Additional documents:


That the Asset Management Strategy 2022 to 2027 be approved.





Councillor Tod introduced the report emphasising the importance of the council’s assets for a wide range of reasons, including a source of revenue, community value and heritage.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Godfrey addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.

He welcomed the clear presentation of the strategy but he would have preferred if clearer metrics and specific targets for each objective were included.  He highlighted that the council’s annual contribution to the asset reserve had reduced since its introduction but the assets were still expected to contribute.  He suggested that the costs associated with the council’s regeneration projects should be considered separately. He requested details of the funding for delivering the various items in the strategy and also that the quarterly monitoring information provided include progress on delivering the solutions set out in section 6 of the strategy.


Councillor Tod responded to the comments made including explaining that the detail of spending on various capital projects would be included in the Capital Strategy which would be considered by The Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet and Council in February.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




That the Asset Management Strategy 2022 to 2027 be approved.


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