Issue - meetings

Vaultex - LEP Funding and Decked car park provision

Meeting: 18/08/2020 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Provision of a decked park and ride car park at the Vaultex site, Winchester pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Additional documents:


1.    That the procurement of the relevant contractor for the design and build of the Vaultex decked Park and Ride car park using the Procurement Hub Major Projects Framework (MPF) be approved.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director: Place and Service Lead – Legal to procure, award and appoint an appropriate supplier, Willmott Dixon via the MPF framework to assess the feasibility of the project.


3.    That approval be delegated to the Service Lead – Legal to prepare and enter into the Access Agreement and associated deeds, and to negotiate and agree terms and conditions relevant to such agreements and the Procurement Hub Major Projects Framework.  


4.    That it be agreed not to progress the surface car park and it be approved that the remaining budget be utilised for the decked Park and Ride in addition to the supplementary estimate below.


5.    That the preparation of advanced study and infrastructure work to be funded from the surface car park approved budget up to £150,000 be approved, noting that this is at risk should full expenditure approval not be granted in October.


6.    That a request for a supplementary estimate of £5.65m in respect of a decked car park at the former Vaultex site will be included in the September budget report bringing the total budget excluding site acquisition to £6.295m. This additional budget will be fully funded by the grant from the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).


7.    That a further report will be brought to Cabinet in October which will include a financial appraisal of the estimated impact on the council’s budget.




Councillor Tod introduced the report and highlighted that the provision of the car park in line with the Winchester Movement Strategy.  The project was a good example of partnership working and the provisions of the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) funding required the project be completed by January 2022.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Miller addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.

Spoke in support of the project and congratulated all the officers involved in acquiring the Vaultex site and successfully securing the LEP bid. 


In response to questions, Councillor Tod and the Chief Executive stated that the preferred supplier had a strong commitment to supporting local employment and adding social value. The importance of the appearance of the new car park was noted with various options being considered.


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.           That the procurement of the relevant contractor for the design and build of the Vaultex decked Park and Ride car park using the Procurement Hub Major Projects Framework (MPF) be approved.


2.           That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director: Place and Service Lead – Legal to procure, award and appoint an appropriate supplier, Willmott Dixon via the MPF framework to assess the feasibility of the project.


3.           That approval be delegated to the Service Lead – Legal to prepare and enter into the Access Agreement and associated deeds, and to negotiate and agree terms and conditions relevant to such agreements and the Procurement Hub Major Projects Framework.  


4.           That it be agreed not to progress the surface car park and it be approved that the remaining budget be utilised for the decked Park and Ride in addition to the supplementary estimate below.


5.           That the preparation of advanced study and infrastructure work to be funded from the surface car park approved budget up to £150,000 be approved, noting that this is at risk should full expenditure approval not be granted in October.


6.           That a request for a supplementary estimate of £5.65m in respect of a decked car park at the former Vaultex site will be included in the September budget report bringing the total budget excluding site acquisition to £6.295m. This additional budget will be fully funded by the grant from the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).


7.           That a further report will be brought to Cabinet in October which will include a financial appraisal of the estimated impact on the council’s budget.


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