Issue - meetings

Commissioning Personal and Community Support Services

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - z Cabinet (Housing) Committee - DISCONTINUED (Item 3)

3 The Future of Homelessness Services and Support in Winchester pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The Head of Housing Options and Allocations introduced the report and responded to questions from Members. 


During debate, Members endorsed the proposal to support co-commissioning of services with the County Council.  Members believed that this offered better value for money, provided a satisfactory deal could be reached.   The Chairman suggested that an all Member briefing be arranged to update all Councillors on the proposals.


Mrs M Gill (TACT) confirmed that the proposals had been discussed at a TACT briefing earlier in the year where they were generally supported.


The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the report.



1.         That the principle of “co-commissioning” of support services in partnership with Hampshire County Council be supported.

2.         That the Homelessness Prevention Fund Reserve and Flexible Homelessness Grant be used to fund the commissioning of community and floating support services and that a detailed spending plan be brought back to this Committee to approve proposals for 2019 and beyond.

3.         That the Corporate Head of Housing be authorised to respond to the Hampshire County Council consultation on proposed changes to Homelessness Support Services (Social Inclusion Services) on the basis of the above recommendations.



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