8 Biodiversity Action Plan PDF 158 KB
Additional documents:
That the draft Biodiversity Action Plan be approved, as set out in appendix A-C of report CAB3280 and that the Natural Environment and Recreation Team Manager be authorised to make minor changes to enable updates that may occur from the cabinet meeting and any other minor editing changes, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.
Councillor Murphy introduced the report which set out the strategic direction for how the Council would deliver actions which protect, enhance and restore key
biodiversity within the district. The Natural Environment and Recreation Manager outlined the report in more detail and emphasised that the Plan contained realistic targets and would focus on the Council’s own operations.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Pearson addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Welcomed the Plan as a useful document in providing a guide for development and the protection of vital habitats within the district. Emphasised the crucial importance of protecting biodiversity in the context of tackling climate change.
During debate, Cabinet Members welcomed the Plan and highlighted that it be a useful resource for young people and schools within the district. The Natural Environment and Recreation Manager agreed to examine how this idea could be taken forward as an addition to the action plan for 2022.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
That the draft Biodiversity Action Plan be approved, as set out in appendix A-C of report CAB3280 and that the Natural Environment and Recreation Team Manager be authorised to make minor changes to enable updates that may occur from the cabinet meeting and any other minor editing changes, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.
8 Biodiversity Action Plan - Presentation PDF 1 MB
The committee noted that this presentation had not been notified for inclusion on the agenda within the statutory deadline. The Chairperson agreed to accept the item onto the agenda as a matter requiring urgent consideration to ensure the committee could consider its contents in advance of the meeting of Cabinet on 16 December 2020.
Councillor Murphy provided an update on the Council’s strategic approach to produce a Biodiversity Action Plan to focus on the actions the Council has the ability to deliver directly and the Natural Environment and Recreation Manager gave a presentation on the updated Biodiversity Action Plan and the proposals for its monitoring and delivery going forward. The presentation was available on the Council’s website here
Members asked questions and raised comments which were responded to by officers and the Cabinet member accordingly
That the contents of the presentation be received and the comments of the committee be noted.
The meeting commenced at 6.00 pm and concluded at 8.20 pm