Report Ref: SC052 and CAB3312
That the Scrutiny Committee:
1. Notes that the Performance Panel met on the 23 August 2021 in order to scrutinise the attached report, CAB3312 and its associated appendices and that the minutes of the panel’s meeting are included at appendix 6.
2. Notes that at the meeting of the performance panel, no items of further work were requested to be undertaken by the performance panel or referred to the Scrutiny Committee.
3. Raises with the Leader or relevant Cabinet member any issues arising from the information in this report, ref CAB3312, which is being presented to Cabinet on the 15 September 2021 and considers whether there are any items of significance to be drawn to the attention of Cabinet.
Additional documents:
Report Reference SC052
Report Reference CAB3312
The Senior Policy and Programme Manager introduced the report and advised that the panel had met on 23 August 2021 to scrutinise the cabinet report, ref CAB3312. Mr Howson and the Chairperson of the Performance Panel drew the committee’s attention to the record of questions, associated action points and updates.
The committee asked several questions concerning; the biodiversity action plan (specifically reference to concerns over water quality and the health of, Swifts, House Martins, chalk streams and Crayfish), the prospect of achieving Carbon Literacy silver or gold level and the red status given to the local plan process. The questions were responded to by officers and the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency.
The scrutiny committee:
1. Noted that the performance panel met on 23 August 2021 to scrutinise the report, CAB3312 and its associated appendices.
2. Noted that at the meeting of the performance panel, no items of further work were requested to be undertaken by the performance panel or referred to the scrutiny committee.
3. Noted the concerns expressed regarding water quality and biodiversity as outlined above.