Issue - meetings

Kings Barton Implementation Update Report

Meeting: 16/03/2021 - Kings Barton Forum (Item 8)

8 Kings Barton Implementation Update pdf icon PDF 420 KB

(Report reference )

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(Report Reference KBF30)


Mr Hughes provided the Forum with an update on progress at Kings Barton including the development process and future works. He reported that reserved matters consent for two phases had been granted, Phase 1A/1B, 423 dwellings, and Phase 2A, 264 dwellings. Phase 2A was consented to on 5 February 2021 and contained 264 dwellings, 39% of which were affordable units.


Mr Hill advised the forum that CALA were formulating a strategy for future implementation and phasing which would include the neighbourhood centre and further residential parcels – phase 2b, 3a and the spine road.  To accommodate works on phase 2A it would be necessary to move the site compound and remove the hedge (as set out in the permitted plans) that runs alongside the track to the east of Winchester Avenue south of the ridge line.  Following a question Mr Hill informed that he would look into whether information boxes/boards could be placed on Andover Road under the footbridge containing information for residents regarding the footpath.


Members debated the report and asked several questions, these related to:


  • the extra care scheme,
  • pupil numbers,
  • adult education provision
  • the public consultation on the change of speed limit on the Andover road




That the content of the report be noted.



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