6 Winnall Flats Open Space Project - Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Funding PDF 146 KB
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Approve an allocation of £755,000 to help fund the provision of a new public open space in association with the provision of new development at Winnall Flats. The allocation of funds will be conditional on the approval of the business case for the New Build housing scheme.
Councillor Gordon-Smith introduced the report which proposed funding to enable an upgraded landscape area, community park and small play area around the existing Winnall flats. He emphasised that although the report referred to a “pocket park” the entire area was approximately two hectares in size.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Horrill addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below.
Welcomed the proposals but requested confirmation that the project was supported by existing residents and that they expected to share the space. In addition, did it address parking and open space amenities and private space requirements in the area? Was the sum of £755k likely to have to be increased?
The Housing Development and Strategy Manager responded to the points raised by Councillor Horrill and confirmed that various consultations had been undertaken with residents, the most recent in October 2020, and no negative comments on the proposals had been received. The Strategic Director advised that the CIL funding was a contribution to the costs which could be supplemented by Housing Revenue Account (HRA) funding if required, following further consultation as to exact details of the scheme.
Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
That an allocation of £755,000 be approved to help fund the provision of a new public open space in association with the provision of new development at Winnall Flats. The allocation of funds will be conditional on the approval of the business case for the New Build housing scheme.