7 District Wide Playing Pitch Strategy PDF 95 KB
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(Report CAB3032 refers)
The Forum gave consideration to the report which outlined the purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) for approval by Cabinet at its meeting 20 June 2018. The report informed the decision making regarding the provision of sports pitches for public use across the Winchester District An assessment of play pitches for the period 2018 to 2031 (in line with the adopted Local Plan).
The Forum received a presentation by the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces which outlined the detail, aims, objectives and salient points of the Playing Pitch Strategy. Reference was made to the four key purposes, the current and future findings and the key recommendations and delivery.
It was reported that, once approved, officers would liaise with all providers on the Playing Pitch Strategy to establish provision going forward.
Members welcomed the document and raised a number of questions in relation to vandalism, housing provision and open space, unusable nets at the Cricket pavilion and the inclusion of Sir John Moore Barracks in the PPS which were answered accordingly, as set out below
· That the PPS focussed on grass playing pitches. There were currently no tennis of netball courts included. However, this would be looked at as part of the Built Facilities Strategy.
· In respect of Sir John Moore Barracks following discussion at the Worthy Down Camp, the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces advised that she would find details on this matter and send this onto Councillor Hiscock in due course.
· It was noted that pitches would be marked out and that it was not the intention for these pitches to be ‘over marked’ but provision would be made for designated areas to be kept available for a flexible multi use.
· The Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces to review the specifics in relation to the provision of Hockey in the PPS.
That the content of the report and presentation be received and the comments of the Forum be noted