Issue - meetings

Work Programme and Appointments 2018/19

Meeting: 13/06/2018 - Winchester Town Forum (Item 9)

9 Work Programme and Appointments 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 105 KB


(Report WTF262 refers)


The Forum gave consideration to the report which set out the draft work programme for the Forum for the new Municipal Year 2018/19 and asked Members to consider its appointments to the Informal Groups established during the previous Municipal Year. The report outlined the previous membership and terms of reference of these Groups.


In respect of future work programme items for consideration, it was suggested that the Town Forum consider Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) proposals when appropriate going forward and that this also be brought forward for next years work programme.


In respect of the Town Forum (North Walls) Informal Group, it was noted that this Group would be an interface between the North Walls and River Park areas and will now look at information gathering work, recognising the need to align with Cabinet in commissioning work.  This Group would continue to be  supported by the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces.


The Forum noted that the Local Democracy and Decision Making Informal Group had not met during 2017/18 and it was proposed that this Group be renamed Town Forum (Engagement) Informal Group, looking particularly at three areas: Local Plan Refresh; Governance and the output of the Movement Strategy (including public transport and the night bus service), together with looking at using information of community integration. The Forum concluded that this Informal Group would involve all the Members of the Town Forum as a whole.


In respect of the Town Forum (Town Improvement) Informal Group, this Group be deleted as papers relating to this matter were coming forward directly to the Forum for consideration.


In conclusion, the Report requested that Members re-appoint various informal groups of the Forum and these were agreed as set out below, subject to the amendments set out above. 




1.         That the detailed work programme for the Forum for the 2018/19 Municipal Year, as set out in Appendix 2 to the Report,  be agreed, having regard to the discussion outlined above; and


2.         That the following Informal Groups be appointed for 2018/19 with membership as outlined below:


(i)            Winchester Town Forum (Account Informal) Group:

Councillors: Weir (Chairman), Learney, Mather and Murphy


(ii)Winchester Town Forum (Town Account Grants) Informal Group:

Councillors Scott (Chairman) Berry, Becker and Learney.


(iii)       Winchester Town Forum (St Maurice’s Covert) Informal Group:

Councillors Hutchison, Berry, Mather, Murphy and Tod


(iv)       Walking Strategy Group: Councillor Hiscock.


(v)        Winchester Town Forum (North Walls) Informal Group:

Councillors Burns, Becker, Hutchison, Thompson and Weir


(vi)       Winchester Town Forum (Engagement) Informal Group:

            All Members of the Town Forum.


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