12 Risk Management Policy 2022/23 (AG073) PDF 103 KB
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The Service Lead – Corporate Support introduced the report and highlighted that the main changes to the policy were set out in the table at paragraph 12.18 of the report. She confirmed that the council’s risk appetite had not changed.
The Service Lead – Corporate Support and the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer responded to members’ questions regarding the implementation of the policy in practice and the core principle of “openness” in relation to questions of governance.
Councillor Cutler responded to members’ questions regarding the risk appetite and it was noted that the approach to risk necessarily remained flexible. He stated that a review was proposed for the way risk was defined in committee reports. Antony Harvey (Southern Internal Audit Practice) acknowledged the advanced approach adopted by the council to risk analysis and reporting and how he referenced the Council as an excellent authority in its risk policy and management of risk.
The Committee noted that the report would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 9 March 2022.
That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Service Quality have regard to the discussion of this Committee on the policy in his presentation of report CAB3338 which would be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 9 March 2022.